The self-actualization needs

The self-actualization needs: The character Noah had met the self-actualization needs which are the last needs that the person meets to make actuals from his potentials. Noah is a positive and energetic person as he continued repairing allies dream house; although, he saw her kissing another guy “her fiancĂ©”. After finishing the house Noah’s extrinsically motivation let him to put the house on sale as there were great amount of money offered by the buyers; however, Noah’s intrinsically motivation did not let him sell the house as it reminds him about the promise that he made with Allie. In addition, He did not think that life had been meaningless to him as he lost everything despite his father and his best friend. Also he was unselfish, as he did not take an action towards Allie fiancĂ© that he got married approval from her family while he did not. However, something moved him and let him start rebuilding the house by thinking if he repair it Allie might see it and get back to him. Being positive, energetic and unselfish helped Noah to get Allie back and live happy ever after.

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